by Selasa, Juli 29, 1980 0 comments

For all those who born in 80's & 90's :D¤ We are the Last generation that learnt to play in the street.¤ We are the first who played Video Games, see cartoons in color and went to Amusement Parks.¤ We were the last to record songs of the Radio on cassettes and we are the pioneers of walkmans and chatrooms.¤ We learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play with Atari Super Nintendo and
believed that internet would be a free world all on 56Kbit modem.¤ Traveled in cars without seat belts or Air bags & Lived without Cellphones.¤ Rode our bicycles down the Road without brakes.¤ We never had phones but still keep in touch.¤ We didn't have playstations, 99 television stations, flat screens, surround sounds, mp3s, ipods, computers and Broadband. But nevertheless we had a Great time ♥ :)



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